S Ravi Believes that Customers will Move to Safer Banks

S Ravi thinks that customers have seen that the government has pumped in a lot of money into the banks and they will see that the government is supporting these banks. From a customer viewpoint, you feel safer and even as borrowers, the smaller weaker banks were not extending credit and now that situation will change. At the same time, the powers will be realigned. Hypothetically, a General Manager in Allahabad Bank had the authority of over just Rs 50 crore, now as part of Indian Bank, he or she can manage Rs 200 crore. The decision making will become a lot faster and that should help the small to medium segment of businesses.

To Know More: https://www.livemint.com/Money/QxBEGeEAVAbsiBJULUaZnK/BSE-will-focus-on-commodities-in-2018-Chairman-S-Ravi.html
